MCHS COVID-19 Message
Montessori Children’s House and School remains committed to our mission and, most importantly, the safety of our staff and students. We’ve taken numerous measures to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure and transmission, while still offering the Montessori experience our students love.
All MCHS classrooms already have their own sinks, bathrooms, exterior doors, and dedicated HVAC units.
In order to support the safety of our students and staff we have taken the following measures:
- Reduced class sizes to allow for greater social distancing and less exposure.
- Created classroom pods—groupings of students who are restricted from comingling with students from other pods—and kept family members in the same classroom pod, thereby reducing the possibility of transmission throughout the school.
- Enacted daily screening procedures for staff and students.
- Required the use of masks and shields for staff and students.
- Altered classroom layouts to increase social distancing.
- Augmented already-existing hand washing routines.
- Increased cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces and materials using EPA-approved products.
- Adjusted the HVAC to fresh air and purchased high-grade MERC filters and air purifiers.
- Provided ongoing training and professional development to faculty and staff regarding safety protocols and continuous learning practices.
For a more complete list of all of the steps MCHS has taken, please contact the school.
The MCHS staff embraced the challenges the pandemic presented in Spring 2020 by creating video lessons, hosting engaging Zoom gatherings, and working with individuals and small groups to help children move forward in their work. The MCHS staff have improved on their initial efforts to form what is now the MCHS At-Home program should it be needed.
In the event of a stay-at-home order or other issued mandate, MCHS has a flexible calendar to allow for additional in-class instructional days. In the event of a closure of over 4 weeks, we will begin our robust MCHS At-Home program providing families with the resources and tools to provide a consistent path of learning for their children.